Friday, August 14, 2009

The Top 5 Sports Books of All

The Top 5 Sports Books of All There have been thousands of books in every sport over the years. Some have been absolute crap and most are mediocre at best, but there are some who choose to remain deeply rooted in our memories as classics. Here is my top 5 of all time. There are some books that are missing? or because you do not think is as good as all the others, or why? not read it. 5th Missing Ball For Jim Bouton - Bouton gives a candid look at a city sports corruption. Everything you want to do is to keep alive a classic stadium, but local businesses and politicians who are opposed for selfish reasons. They do what? S suitable for their business, whatever the impact on the community. Beyond the sport, their actions are harmful to health and welfare of the people who live there. It 'amazing how greedy and selfish some people can be ... Bouton and exposes ALL. 4th Eight men, Eliot Asinof For - This is a very, very interesting read and that is why such high rates. I am totally obsessed with the surprising depth of this scandal. However Asinof has a lot of evidence on the scandal, so much so that some may be 'overwhelming. Probably need to go back and read it again to get the whole story below. It says a lot for a good history book on the Black Sox. 3rd Friday Night Lights by HG Bissinger - One of the things that drives me nuts about Odessa is that HG Bissinger's very fair observation of the current situation of their people and treated as if the devil to this day. Instead of recognizing that maybe should not put so much pressure on young athletes, and that perhaps they had to reassess what is really important for them, we chose to shoot the messenger. Maybe people should not be taught that the most important thing in the world is a great school of football. Bissinger applaud their efforts. 2nd Sunday, by Michael Lewis - This is absolutely incredible success story. The book is much more than baseball - shows the value of statistical analysis in the alignment and unequal playing field. As the cover, which teaches the art of winning an unfair game. " I can not narrow baseball purists who do not see the value of what Billy Beane does. He succeeds in spite of almost insurmountable. Who could? Not lea something from him? 1. Ball Four by Jim Bouton - This is one of the funniest books I've read. Do not enjoy reading stories of Mickey Mantle and launched its crazy? Bouton stories were so controversial that it was expelled from the community of the Yankees for a long period of time. He is so honest and down to earth at the end of the book, feels like Bouton is one of his friends. All sports fans need to read this.

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