Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Ironman Marathon

The Ironman Marathon As a point of departure for the Ironman marathon, it is very likely that the experience of different emotions. I used to get very difficult at times to convince myself to leave the scope of transition. After a long hard bike it often feels that finishing the marathon distance would be nearly impossible. E 'at this point in his career and his determination reslove can truly be tested. This is where the term "Ironman" begins to make sense. Remember that you are not alone in this. There are hundreds of first time Ironman hopes dealing with the same emotion. Note that swimming is an intelligent and keeps the energy of this point of the race. One thing I leaed over the years is how our body can bear, and to what extent we can, if we dare to try. Often, our spirit is conquered long before our physical energy is exhausted. A good example is my last Ironman. Almost exactly half way in a bike I had a bad fall. I lost focus for a few seconds and slipped off the shoulder of the road. When I tried to recover the bike and I was most struck in the street very difficult. The last half of the bike was very difficult. As I transition into the tent Saturday shoulder was very sore and my only experience I knew that my body could handle if I have given a chance. I was at the stage of my Ironman race where I thought it might be my last and I did not want to end my career by abandoning the race. The marathon took me 5 hours and 5 minutes. The Ironman took me 14 hours and 15 minutes. I leaed later that he had a separated shoulder. I had a sort of feeling that was the case, but then I reasoned that it was not run on my hands so that your place of work. I'm telling this story because when you get to this point the race is enough to realilze that no matter how you feel tired and sore, your body's ability to recover is no wonder if they have the chance. As soon as you cross the mat and timer beeps do my best to run. In a first moment of its passage will be very short and not very natural, but the legs are in line with the requirements you start to feel and perform better. Run as long as possible without stopping. You want to get miles behind you. When and if you 'have' to try to walk the aid is running in all it is. When you try to walk on foot and in a rapid pace. We hope that this practice in their training, as I suggested in the training page. It makes a big difference if you go to the Ironman with a flexible career plan. Be very careful of the aid stations to choose their food and drink. The impulse is to try some of everything that you try to find the secret that will make you feel less tired and sore and possibly increase your energy. Many athletes have achieved during the Ironman marathon ill make this mistake. I try not to mix food and beverage of your choice. I would suggest avoiding coke and Pepsi until 6 or 7 last mile. Remember that if you start drinking, then you should drink in 'every' aid station or a risk of altering the balance of its sugar reality. I took a year, but not the water at each station and not eat at all. I felt good and does not want to mess with it. My Ironman-marathon time was 3 hours 34 minutes. So I think that goes to show that not necessarily have to cover their bodies with grapes, bananas, cookies, and all you have to choose. Just go with what works for you at this time. Try to make a point and not at the foot of the low. I have seen many people do this and I could never understand. You must seize every opportunity of gravity that appears. As in cycling. If you plan to walk the uphills then be sure to run downhills. Make every effort to get behind km without using too much energy too soon. Take to heart the fact that there are hundreds of you out there who share the same dream. To finish the race. It 'really a beautiful thing when you see so many determined to achieve a common goal. It might be useful to run with someone on the street. Be careful though. They may depart from a 'what they have done and get rid of your career plan. Sometimes its best to run on their until you are sure not to shoot the right person. Its always an uplifting moment when the final retu home for the last time. Km every hour that passes you feel a lift in spirit. At the end of 6 or 7 kilometers you find that most likely you have an incredible amount of energy left. This happens again and again-in Ironman marathon. For some reason, a sort of physical change is taking place and many people have supported a burst of energy. E 'was also raised by a growing number of viewers, as a closer and closer to the goal. Soon tu to tens and hundreds of amazing to hear the sound from the welcome finish line announcer. This is when you really hit home that you really intend to do! This is what you are going to be an Ironman! Be sure to take in everything, because this time will be saved in your memory forever. No matter how many Ironman races do, this is one you will never forget.

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